Making Allah our goal will also secure our prosperity in this world and the next. So making Allah One in our minds, hearts and actions will go a long way in attaining his pleasure. Recent research has pointed to how focussing on one thing and doing everything to attain that thing is the best way to actually attain and excel at that particular thing. It nurtures its followers towards pursuing the pleasure and obedience of the one true god. In comparison to other religions, where people believe in many gods, Islam is a religion which rejects polytheism. The first ayah addresses how Allah is One. I will also cover why we should read it with thought and mindfulness in our prayers, instead of just reading it due to it being short and easy to read. Today’s post will therefore just cover a short tafseer of the surah along with related hadith showcasing Surah Ikhlas’ importance. I also remember learning Surah Ikhlas with translation and being in awe of the fact that Allah lived forever! What I didn’t realise until recently, was the weight and importance that is given to this surah. I remember saying this surah on the way to school and before bed time.

We then continue to read it in almost every prayer as we grow up and we still read it even as adults. As children, Surah Ikhlas is often the very first surah we learn because it is both short and sweet. Surah Ikhlas is one of the most read and memorised surah by Muslims across the globe. Contents- Click below to take you to the relevant sections